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2024-04-30 02:32:42
2024-03-30 11:00:01

Primer to get you started with Optimization and Mathematical Programming in R #rstats
2024-02-29 12:26:03

Bold Statement - Fette Aussage: Neue #Video #KI #Sora eröffnet weiteres Kapitel der Filmgeschichte - Obwohl noch nicht öffentlich zugänglich, sorgt die vor wenigen Tagen vorgestellte neue Videoanwendung „Sora“ vo…
2024-04-30 12:10:06

Daily Inspiration: "The best way to find creative solutions to your real-world problems is to listen to the wisdom of those who have already found them!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
You know you've been a real road-warrior speaker when you check into your Hilton hotel in San Jose and get a feeling that you've been here before! You look back in your email, and realize that it was once a Fairmont hotel and that you spoke in this exact hotel at an event in 2006!
I look…
2024-02-29 15:31:34

I’ve always wanted someone to tell me I autocomplete them.
(That feeling when someone makes a Node package with your name. Hey, at least it’s not a German petroleum company…)

Screenshot of a package called aral on

aral autocomplete [SHELL]
display autocomplete installation instructions

  $ aral autocomplete [SHELL]

  SHELL  shell type

  -r, --refresh-cache  Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)

  $ aral autocomplete
  $ aral autocomplete bash
  $ aral autocomplete zsh
  $ aral autocomplete --refresh-cache
See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete

aral config
  $ aral config
See code: src/commands/config.ts…
2024-02-28 07:43:04

I wanted to test #copilot's Icelandic capabilities, and it went completely bananas🍌
#ai #Iceland

Í Reykjavík er veðrið núna fyrir klukkan 7:00 -3 gráðum celsius og flekkótt1. Sólin rís klukkan 8:40 og fer niður klukkan 18:411. Þessi veðurhorfur eru fyrir næstu daga:

    Miðvikudagur, 29. febrúar: Hámarkshiti -1 gráða celsius, lágmarkshiti -4 gráða celsius, og flekkótt veður.

Ef þú ert að undrast á hvaða skala þetta væri í banönum, þá getum við giskað. Meðallengd banans er um 7,5 toll23. Ef við deilum hæð Mount Everest (29.031 fet) með lengd banans (7,5 toll) og margfalda með 12 til að br…
2024-01-30 12:45:53

Sources and documents: TikTok managers sometimes tell Project Texas staff to send data, including email and IP, to ByteDance without going via official channels (Georgia Wells/Wall Street Journal)…
2024-04-29 01:57:58

Apesar de não ter muita cultura cinematogršfica, até que tenho uma quantidade razošvel de DVDs. Esses da foto devem totalizar cerca de 40% das minhas mídias físicas. E, sim, meus computadores têm driver de DVD rs.

Prateleira voadora lotada de DVDs. Há muitos documentários, como o clássico "Cosmos" de Carl Sagan, e vários da BBC e alguns do History Channel. A parte da esquerda possui filmes variados, como a série do Indiana Jones, vários do Woody Allen e etc.
2024-02-29 15:16:50

I've got that February 29th feeling. Interpolated.
2024-04-30 08:43:35

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…